Road and street applications are great for Comlight. Our solution detects vehicles, cyclists, and pedestrians and controls the lighting, providing full light only when and where needed.
Public spaces need intelligent light control based on motion detection, not only to save energy and spare the environment directly, but as a powerful example for residents and visitors.
We have heard from numerous parking-place vendors that there is no need for the lights to be on all night. Our intelligent sensors light up where there is movement, providing a safe environment for both people and cars.
Tarmac lights are necessarily powerfully intense, but why should the lights stay on when there is no activity around an aircraft? The Comlight system is fully automated and controlled by motion detection alone, thus saving airports significant amounts of energy.
Everyone wants well-lit paths when walking or jogging in the evening, but there is no reason to expend energy for lighting when there is no one present. We often see 90% savings in our walking path installations. Full light and full safety, while saving energy and the environment!
Bike riders are already helping the environment by choosing bicycling over other modes of transportation, and Comlight can help even further by detecting riders in all forms and speeds, dimming path lights back down after the rider has passed.
Comlight is perfect for sports- and training fields. Just by controlling a few parameters, the Comlight system is able to control several lights from a single detection. The system automatically dims down when the field is empty.
Motion detection opens new possibilities for interactive art. Comlight sensors have been used for art applications, where detection of movement triggers light effects surrounding the observer—very cool!
Many businesses are looking for opportunities to improve their environmental profile and reduce negative impacts in terms of energy use. Using smart lighting control, companies can provide full illumination to workers and visitors to their facility only when needed, thus making a good contribution to a sustainable future for all.